I went with choices, not so much of songs I loved, but that the memory seems strong in my childhood.
Day 16: Capriccio Italien / Tchaikovsky
The prompt is not specific as "classical" favorites but so many other days catch classic rock, classic soul, etc. I fell in love with this piece -- and Tchaikovsky in general -- while learning it for the New Mexico High School All-State Orchestra in 1983 or 84.
Day 14: Con Te Partirò / Andrea Bocelli
Alec escorted Sasha down the aisle to this one. They looked so good. Darn you, Facebook, now you're making me cry.
Day 12: Night Chicago Died / Paperlace
Sometime around 1973-74, my parents gave me an old hand-me-down mono record player. One of my best friends at the time -- wonder what happened to Chad -- turned me on to this song. I got an LP called Dynamite which was one of the first compilation albums from K-Tel. Remember them? "The Night Chicago Died" and others from that album were my first exposures to Pop and Rock.
Book of Questions #4: If you could spend one year...
Sure. I'm up for any amount of time in perfect happiness... or even imperfect. Bring it on. I'm not bothered if I won't be able to remember it later. I even promise not to ask questions.