Photographing the Homeless

When I first discovered my interest in street photography, I took a good number of photos of the homeless. They seemed everywhere and I found photos of their condition personally captivating. The looks on their faces -- in their eyes -- showed a lack of hope that seemed so human. Change a few events in our own pasts, and many of us might be in the same plight.

I eventually stopped taking pictures of the homeless, or at least now only rarely and only with a deeper purpose. What I realized was that my photos were not really capturing their character nor their stories which were certainly more complex than an empty stare or pitiful living condition could reveal. And I didn't -- and still don't -- have the temerity to engage with them to better learn and appreciate who they were, who they are, and where they are going. Someday I hope to gain that bravery in my photography.

This is a photo series that I call "Val." That's what I called her. I don't know her name, I never spoke to her, she never spoke to me. She never asked anything of me. And I never offered. I never once saw her react or interact with the real world but she was always occupied with things only she could see or hear. Over the course of a couple of years, she and I lived in the same neighborhood: She, on the sidewalks of a local shopping center I frequented in Oakland; Me, in an expensive house among other expensive houses in a town with manicured lawns, good schools, and responsive police. That was back in 2014 or so. A few years later, that shopping center was torn down and later rebuilt. I wondered where Val had gone during that time. I expected to never see her again. Several years later after the new center was complete, I spotted her again. This time sitting in the nicer version of the shopping center, at a nicer Starbucks. She looked the same, still in her own world. I hoped her world was a little nicer than what it appeared to be. I still remained silent.

I haven't seen her for several years now. But even if I do see her, I won't be taking another picture of her until I have the courage to speak.

For photos of homeless that treat them with dignity and reveal more than just an image, follow @suzanne_stein and @suitcase_joe on Instagram.

WWJD What would Jesus do in North Carolina? Born of a virgin so no Y chromosome yet still self identifies as a male. Where would Jesus pee?

I realize that I probably shouldn't just post my "headline" without sticking my neck out with editorial comment. Listen, if you believe in Jesus, make what he called the most important commandment YOUR most important commandment.

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
— Matthew 22:36-40 NIV Bible

Homeless of Piedmont Avenue

It's about 5 minutes drive from my house. It's an eclectic, mixed use, diverse economy little area full of restaurants, cafes, salons, small retail, and professional offices. Apartments rent within a block or two start at around $3k a month. Houses sell for $500k and up with many going well over a million.

It also has this problem.

"Street Sleeper"

"This is Her Spot"

Oakland, CA (April 2016)

"Cash Withdrawal"

Oakland, CA (April 2016)

"The Line for the Bathroom"

Oakland, CA (April 2016)

"Restless Sleep"

Oakland, CA (April 2016)

On Ben Carson, Muslim ShariaLaw and Christian Biblical Law

I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.
— Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson (9/20/15)

I get it. He's worried that a Muslim would place their religious beliefs and loyalties above the US Constitution. That's the same reason I worry about having a Christian in charge of this nation. Later, when asked to clarify, Dr. Carson said that he guessed it would be okay as long as the Muslim candidate renounced Sharia law. I had thought Carson was stupid, but he's on to something. It would be okay as long as the Christian renounced Biblical law.

Please please please intelligent moderate and conservative Republicans: Start throwing your voices, support, and money behind your other candidates who are less about hate, ego, and pandering to extremists and more about rational political debate and philosophy. I may not agree with your politics, but if your more rational candidates don't get more support soon, they are not going to be able to continue their campaigns and you're going to have a Bozo (or Bozette) representing you in the next election. That's a danger we just can't risk.

Take my symbol. Please. I don't need it.

I get it. 

Most of you who now feel threatened or offended by the controversy surrounding the display of the Confederate flag are not proponents of slavery. You're proud of your heritage and you feel like the U.S. and the rest of the world are progressing past your beliefs. The things you hold dear are being left behind. You want to defend your symbol.

You're wrong.  

If you are proud of your freedom, you should be proud of my freedom. If you rejoice in your rights, you should rejoice in the rights of gay Americans which were recently affirmed by the Supreme Court.  If you ever feel like your liberties are being threatened, you should shout from the highest rooftops in protest when the liberties of ANY Americans are threatened. If you want society to respect your traditions and values, you should be aware and sensitive to how those traditions and values affected (and continue to affect) others.

I don't advocate outlawing any symbol but the only symbols that should be on government lands or buildings are unifying, national (or state-level) symbols. Honestly, even though I was thrilled by the step forward in marriage equality, I was uncomfortable by the White House and SF City Hall being lit in Rainbow Pride colors, but I can live with it being a one time celebratory event. I can't and won't condone someone's religious or divisive symbols on permanent display on government buildings. 

I have as much claim to the Confederate battle flag (the Stars and Bars) as anyone. I was born in and spent my childhood in Texas. My family, on both sides, are from Texas going back at least 4 generations and prior to that, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee are my ancestral homes. If you trace my roots back far enough, you'll see the names of my forebears on the roles of proud Confederate Army units from the Civil War. We weren't big plantation owners; not moneyed landed gentry; there's no Tara in my inheritance. We were regular, small farmers and tradesmen. Did any of my ancestors own slaves? I don't really know. Given the economic evidence, it's doubtful.

I don't need a symbol to be proud of where I'm from. You shouldn't either. And insisting on exercising your freedoms even knowing what evil and pain it represents for many is just down-right mean. Just because you have a freedom doesn't mean it is right (or wise) to exercise it.

Ignorance causes Bigotry

I've never, ever, heard my parents utter a bigoted word. Growing up in our conservative, evangelical household, other people were referred to with God's love. With my grandparents, the prejudice was ingrained, but not outwardly hateful. I remember my grandfather, a poor sharecropper his whole life, sitting there in the 1970s describing a man who would come by to do odd jobs and peddle goods in East Texas: He's a negro BUT really a good boy and hard worker. It was only as an adult I realized the bigotry of such a statement, but it was totally natural to my grandfather. To him, the good qualities of this man were unexpected because he was black. This shows ignorance (or lack of experience) from my grandfather, but not hate.

40+ years later, this type of bigotry still permeates our society. We don't know each other. So unless you are lying about why you want a Confederate flag, give it up. Show some compassion and display instead a symbol of freedom for all. May I suggest the American flag?


Why Oklahoma Lawmakers Want to Ban AP US History -- NYMag

This is just downright scary.

Representative Dan Fisher, who introduced the bill, lamented during Monday's hearing that the new AP U.S. History framework emphasizes "what is bad about America" and doesn't teach "American exceptionalism." 

I'm proud of my country and believe we've done more good than harm over our short history, but that doesn't mean we're always above reproach. It certainly doesn't mean we can't have our kids casting a critical eye on our past, not to mention present and future.

Krieger complained that the [AP] framework portrays the Founding Fathers as "bigots" and suggests that Manifest Destiny was "built on a belief in white racial superiority and a sense of American cultural superiority," rather than "the belief that America had a mission to spread democracy and new technology across the continent," as he put it.

Nope, Mr. Kreiger, the AP framework is closer to being right.

Let's allow our kids to learn from the past (even the bad stuff) so they don't repeat our mistakes.

Why do these targets still exist if we know where they are?

A few days ago, Egypt launched air strikes against ISIS targets in Libya, striking weapons caches and training camps. The strikes were in retaliation for the execution style murders of Egyptian Coptic Christians.

A few weeks ago, in revenge for the murder of a Jordanian pilot, Jordan conducted an air campaign against "ISIS's weapon depots, training centres, warehouses and military barracks."

The United States has been conducting an air campaign against ISIS since last Fall.

Why are there any worthwhile ISIS targets left?

I think it's time ISIS ceased to exist as a viable military force. Yes, I know defeating them and retaking the ground they have conquered will take more, preferably International, military and diplomatic efforts. We will ultimately need to deal with the situation that encouraged dangerous religious fanaticism to grow. BUT, there is no reason we can't wipe their traditional military capability off the map.

NYPD Officers Turn Their Backs On Bill De Blasio; Police Unions Say Mayor Has 'Blood' On His Hands

I don't know how widespread the opinion among New York police officers, but saying that Mayor De Blasio has blood on his hands for the tragic murder of two NYPD officers is neither helpful to anyone, nor correct.

It's certain that any time any group is under pressure, they tend to "circle the wagons" and lash out. The NYPD is mourning and also offended by Mayor De Blasio's previous statements of lukewarm support and his plans to increase training for the NYPD in wake of the death of Eric Garner.

What's wrong with more training? I don't how anyone can objectively and rationally watch the videotaped take down of Eric Garner and his accidental death due to the choke hold applied by a police officer AND NOT believe that the situation could have been handled better. More patience and wisdom -- such as might come from better training -- would probably mean that Eric Garner would be alive and in police custody today with neither the suspect nor law enforcement suffering injury.

Support for the brave men and women in law enforcement does not mean blindly unquestioning their policies, techniques, and training level. Better policing IS safer policing.

It’s unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people. Mayor de Blasio understands this is the time when we must come together to support the families and friends of those brave officers New York City lost tonight — and the entire NYPD community.
— NY Mayor De Blasio's office

The Nation's hearts go out to the families of the fallen officers and the entire NYPD who feel like they are under attack but inflammatory rhetoric and blind, misplaced, unquestioning support have no place in the discussion whether you are supporting the police or minorities.
