I'd been saving this photo that I took last February of my parents near the Rio Grande Nature Center in Albuquerque. I wanted to post it today on their 56th wedding anniversary. I didn't know that this would be the last photo I ever took of them together. Mom passed away on Sunday. Here's to you Mom and Dad for all of the happy anniversaries you spent together and on this one that is not very happy.
"Last Sunset"
My Mom passed away on Sunday afternoon. She and my Dad would spend every summer in Westcliffe, Colorado with this view out of her kitchen window. My Dad and I returned here today for one more sunset. My mom appreciated my photos perhaps more than anyone else and she especially liked the black and white pics. This one is for you, Mom. I love you.
Happy Anniversary
We got engaged in Paris. We were married on Bastille Day fifteen years ago. We always hoped to spend our anniversary in Paris. We finally did!
Book of Questions #1
14 years ago
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Fathers' Day
The family
Graduation Day
I'm so proud!
A birthday tradition
For the last 13 years or so, we’ve celebrated Alec’s birthday at the Matterhorn Restaurant in San Francisco — sometimes with a large party, sometimes small. This time it was just fondue for 3. Happy (early) 22nd, Bud.
Satisfying Sasha in Riga
Could she have a better day shopping?