It ranges from great ("Sure 'Nuff 'n' Yes, I Do" and others) to forgettable ("I'm Glad" to just plain weird ("Abba Zaba").
Rolling Stones | "Exile on Main Street" (1972)
Like a night in a Texas Honkey-Tonk and that's not a bad thing.
Well, except it would mean you'd have to be in Texas. And surrounded by Honkey-Tonk people. But the music would be good.
Butthole Surfers | "Locust Abortion Technician" (1987)
Perhaps now I'm a grumpy old man, but I don't think I would have liked this album when it was released either. I went ahead and listened to a few more of their songs -- those "most popular" on Spotify -- and they appealed to me more. Still, this is probably my last listen of the Butthole Surfers. I guess I'm not now, and never have been, that angry.
Stevie Wonder | "Talking Book" (1972)
I seem to be stuck in 1972, but If you were stuck on a desert isle with only one artist's work on your solar powered MP3 player, could you do better than the music of Stevie Wonder?
Listen to Stevie Wonder's Talking Book on Spotify.
Album art by source, Fair use,
Elbow | "The Seldom Seen Kid"
One of my favorite "discoveries" from this list so far. Perhaps the rest of you already know them [shrug]. I believe they are more popular in the UK. Anyway, the sound goes from richly orchestrated anthems to soft melodies. Guy Garvey, the lead singer, sounds quite a bit like Sting but has a better, sweeter voice.
Iggy Pop | "Lust for Life" (1977)
It's embarrassing to admit that before this album came up on my 1001 Albums playlist, all I knew about Iggy Pop was that he is a singer and that in every picture I saw, he seemed to be without his shirt. After listening to "Lust for Life", I realize that I already knew and liked some of his music. Listening to "Lust for Life" made me want to hear more. His newest release "Post Pop Depression" is good as well. I want to hear more.
Punk (or even more accurately pre-Punk) meets David Bowie.
Doves | "Lost Souls" (2000)
Mostly mellow: Adding to my chill playlist.
Dinosaur Jr. | "You're Living All Over Me" (1987)
This album was a released during a time in my life when I was separated from music due to some other preoccupations: Army Basic Training and going to an intensive language school. I would have liked it then. I like it now. The heavy riffs and driving beat are the perfect canvas for the pained lyrics.
The Auteurs | "New Wave" (1993)
It's okay with sort of a pop sound but with lyrics that have meaning. I could see this as part of an enjoyable evening listening to live in a club. I can't see it as a top 1001 album and worthy of keeping on my playlists
The Mothers of Invention | "Freak Out" (1966)
Parodies of established musical styles plus some cutting edge -- for 1966 -- use of synths, electronics, and distortion were probably interesting at one time. The sound might have even been worth a listen or two now. Unfortunately, the stupidity of the lyrics is timeless.
A painful endeavor.