Queen | Sheer Heart Attack - their brilliance confirmed

"We Will Rock You" was one of my first favorite rock songs.* I ordered the album "News of the World" on 8-Track with my 16 albums for 1 cent introductory offer with my Columbia Records Club membership. (Remember that club?)

"Sheer Heart Attack" confirms their brilliance: "Brighton Rock" does rock. I hereby dub it my new favorite Queen song. At least until I listen to another Queen album.

* I must admit that I was pretty annoyed by its constant companion song "We Are the Champions".

Covers of "Take On Me"

Music videos used to matter. I remember being fascinated back In 1985 by a-ha's video for "Take On Me" which featured a unique melding of animation and live action sequences. While a catchy tune, the video made more of a mark on me than the song. That is, until I heard some of these covers.

Link to Spotify Playlist

Source: https://open.spotify.com/user/farrago510/playlist/4ZV8b3vOEjRnVSSqKhZDa8

Dirty Projectors | Bitte Orca (2009)

I'm really pleased to be introduced to the Dirty Projectors and this album. The falsetto and guitar licks in the upper register often stylishly touch on an Eastern or Indian feel. Nice harmonies and female background vocals compliment Dave Longstreth's crooning male lead. Rhythms, melodies, and instrumentation are quirky but very successful.

I'm downloading more.